轻听英语 - 你的全球英文原声库
  • 4.4

轻听英语 - 你的全球英文原声库

  • Latest Version
  • 北京艾斯酷科技有限公司

Tingying English is an English listening application, where there are student parties, practical parties and English lovers. They started to practice listening, but later found that their speaking, reading, writing and translation skills have improved.

About this app

Light Listening English is an English listening application, there are student parties, practical parties and English lovers here. They started by practicing listening, and later found that speaking, reading, writing and translation skills improved.

◉ Comprehensive study materials, each student party can take what they need
【Teaching supplements for real questions】
CET-4 and CET-6 entrance exams, IELTS TOEFL, translation and interpretation... The real listening questions and test preparation materials for domestic and foreign exams are updated in a timely manner; the genuine version introduces "IELTS King Listening Real Question Corpus" and "Han Gang: 90 Days to Overcome Level 3 Translation" and other ace textbooks

【Examination corpus】
CRI, Scientific American, China Daily... One-stop listening and scoring corpus, broadening knowledge and accumulating test materials

【Interest Course】
Famous teacher podcasts, celebrity speeches, in-depth interviews, TED... Start from your interests, learn authentic English, and use English to open the door to a new world

【Original sound of film and television】
Popular British dramas, high-scoring American dramas, classic movie soundtracks, must-have for classic aftertaste

◉ Powerful learning function, comprehensive improvement of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation

[Bilingual comparison]
Audio and video courses are equipped with Chinese and English synchronous texts, and can be switched to monolingual/no text mode to practice dictation and translation

[Query new words]
Long press the word in the text to query the definition, add it as a new word and highlight it in all articles, the new word book can be synchronized to the "No Memorize Words App" for learning

[single sentence loop]
Focus on repeated and intensive listening of a single sentence, break through listening difficulties and sentence pattern blind spots

[variable speed play]
The six-speed speech speed can be adjusted as needed, without any pronunciation details.

[wire control follow-up]
Use the earphone wire control to follow and imitate, compare the original sound to correct pronunciation, and practice speaking while walking

[Upload Course]
Log in to langeasy.com.cn to upload your favorite courses, edit and synchronize texts online, and customize learning content by yourself (for personal learning only)

◉ Instructions for the operation of the headset wire control (the following operations are for the middle button of the wire control):
Switch sentences: double-click the next sentence, triple-click the previous sentence
Play: Click to start or stop playback
Follow-up recording: Click to stop or start recording
Secondary recording: After the recording is completed, the recording and the original sound will be automatically played in a loop. If you are not satisfied with the reading effect, you can click to re-record

◉ Keep in touch
Sina Official: @Light Listen to English
Official QQ exchange group: 625894565
In-app: Settings > Feedback

Versions 轻听英语 - 你的全球英文原声库