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The plot is brain-burning and the people are brain-burning. The bottle is crazy and the strongest. Storage magic puzzle line drawing game

About this game

This brain-burning game with only words is full of brain-opening puzzles. Here, characters are not just characters, but also the elements of puzzles and the key to solving puzzles. You will manipulate Chinese characters one by one, challenge a level of puzzles composed of words, find clues between the lines, and experience Chinese characters in the process of solving puzzles unique magic.
Composed of idiom stories, characters and meanings, historical allusions and proverbs, etc., it will open your mind and experience the unique charm of Chinese characters at the same time. Chinese characters are extensive, profound and ever-changing. Each puzzle requires you to reason through the meaning of the characters themselves and the changes in the shape of the characters to pass the level. The so-called small characters contain great wisdom!
Level introduction: How does "The Frog in the Well" help the frog escape from the bottom of the well? The "frog" in Tic Tac Toe has a lot to say; how does "Cooling Down" turn the sweaty "summer" into "winter"? How does "Yugong Move Mountains" remove the two mountains in front of "Yu"? These brain-opening puzzles contain the logic of Chinese characters, allowing you to experience the unique charm of Chinese characters in the process of solving the puzzles. The interface with black characters on a white background, like calligraphy written on white silk, combined with ancient music, immerses you in the magical world of Chinese characters. As one of the greatest discoveries in the history of the Chinese nation, Chinese characters contain profound cultural heritage. The levels of Chinese character magic are all composed of Chinese characters. While entertaining and entertaining, it also allows you to feel the profoundness of Chinese characters and the charm of our traditional culture. Familiar idioms, allusions and words used every day, are full of new ideas and fun in the whimsical puzzles!

Versions 文字来找茬-进击的汉字找茬王者文字玩出花样休闲益智解谜小游戏