قوة الإيمان

قوة الإيمان

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  • othmane chihab

How do I strengthen my faith in God - Signs of strong faith

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The strength of faith is the servant’s submission to God Almighty by adhering to His commands and avoiding His prohibitions. The highest of them is the faith of the messengers and prophets, then the faith of the Companions - may God be pleased with them - and then the faith of the pious, righteous servants. He - the Almighty - said: (Those are the Messengers. We preferred some of them over others. Some of them spoke to God and raised some of them by degrees). Belief in Him as well, and it follows from that to strengthen the love of God Almighty in the heart, and this in turn leads to absolute obedience to Him - Glory be to Him - accompanied by full glorification of Him and intimacy with Him, and there are many means that help the believer to strengthen his faith in God Almighty.
Persistence in obedience is achieved by being patient in performing good deeds and perpetuating them. Preserving prayer and supplication, remembering God Almighty, seeking knowledge and seeking it, moving between its circles, and being keen to read and listen to books and other actions that strengthen faith require patience and perseverance that prevent laziness from penetrating into the soul.