قواعد الإيمان من بين يدي القرآ

قواعد الإيمان من بين يدي القرآ

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  • المركز الاعلامي للأب المربي الشيخ منتظر الخفاجي

The Book of the Rulings of Faith is in the Hands of the Qur’an by His Eminence the Father Educator Sheikh Munthadh Al-Khafaji

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What God Almighty required from faith in Him, His Messengers, His Books and the Last Day, and his sending to the Messengers, Prophets and Hadiths for that, is not because God Almighty mentioned that He loves it or that he needs it, God forbid and not, and not believing in these titles is the key to the door of his generosity! In the sense that lack of faith in it stops the generosity of God Almighty! No, God's generosity is broader than that and nothing but divine control is controlled by him {We all extend these and those who are not from your Lord’s giving ۚ and whatever your Lord’s giving is forbidden, so does His Generosity prohibit} With what God Almighty wanted in order for man to obtain bliss, whether worldly or afterlife only, but if we look at the great and strange ability, capabilities and preparations that God Almighty gave to man and whose presence cannot be an end, we are certain that what is meant by man is a big thing, and not limited to simple vocabulary For faith or its moral and ethical actions, we are certain when we see the ability to change, whether internal or external, but the motivation for change and not being satisfied with anything, leading to non-stop at one level, then we are certain that behind it is a great thing, but access to this great thing, access Until the human being exists and the right to be attained with true qualities, all of this is only through faith in these simple concepts of faith in God, his attributes and actions, and his messengers, books, and authority, which is what made God the keys to his wisdom, the keys The gates of his mercy, because believing in them and performing their accompaniments are acts of worship, which are fixation of that faith in the heart, making them an advocate and positive for what is deeper and higher than the path of faith or the path of purpose.
Not believing in it; Because the divine system depends on it! Rather, a person’s faith and lack of it does not make any difference for God Almighty, but the divine will related to honor the human being near the truth, most of his majesty, then man’s ability to acquire according to the creation is only fruitful through this faith, i.e. faith in these beliefs, it is not very perfect, but as We mentioned the keys to the complementary chapters, so he reached chained doors of the runways of faith. Whenever a person believed in a certain kinship concept, a new concept was opened for him, and it was not the one who stopped it at all.
And our book this tagged the rules of faith is a statement of some of the foundations that the right Almighty has established in the path of faith and between them in his great book for those who wanted to strengthen his faith in the Almighty and increase his belief in moral concepts and activate his beliefs of surrender and trust and good thinking and others; As it is assumed that the insignificant diminution of the believer is to increase his faith, then he will always seek and seek to obtain anything that is a reason for strengthening his faith and bringing him closer to the goal for which he was found.
The reader should consider this book as a work book, not a science book, to consider it a step on the path to faith, so it is incumbent upon anyone who reads it to envisage increasing his faith, whether actual or belief, even by the amount of a mustard seed, and it is not expected that the reader will make it known and corner it in one of the angles Mind.
This, and we ask the relative of the respondent to make in these leaflets something of interest to his servants, as there is no benefit except for him, glory be to him, he is a generous relative.

Rich in his Lord

Versions قواعد الإيمان من بين يدي القرآ