سلسلة روايات مملكة البلاغة‎

سلسلة روايات مملكة البلاغة‎

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The complete novels of the Kingdom of Rhetoric series by Hanan Lashin

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* Ecadoli:

Palm leaves shade the horizon from afar as if it were green clouds. A strange cry closed his ears, then suddenly felt claws grabbing his shoulders, so he looked up and saw a giant bird spreading its wings and shaded above its head.
In the distance there were small but close huts, arranged uniformly in groups, separated by lanes, whose floor was covered with small yellow flowers. He heard a soft female voice, which was calling him and repeating a strange word that he did not realize what it was!
"Ecadole.... Ekadoule"

* Opal:

A group of horses ran in perfect harmony, to one rhythm, the sound of their hooves banging the ground in harmony with the successive beats of their hearts, their legs lined up elegantly parallel as they raced, and they united their speed as if they were one fabric, the rain fell little by little until it became like tears in the eye. Delicately, a rainbow rose adorning the page of the sky and shaking the horizon from afar. A mare neighed, making his companions jingle with clear, tapering voices. Then they advanced, and they chased after him in the morning until they finally reached a vast green grove of mud. If I were horses, I would have startled them, and if I were humans, I would have startled them too, for those voices that rose when the rumbling of their chests calmed down were never horses' voices, but were human voices!


If you are following with us the series The Kingdom of Eloquence and reached the third part, then you are definitely a warrior, I can almost look into your eyes as you read my words, I see the passion and longing for a new adventure overlooking them, then you are welcome. The kingdom of rhetoric is still summoning warriors to defend books, values, and the purity of the words that were written between the covers of those books, and the warriors are preparing here and there, and in a decisive moment, suddenly, the symbol will appear to you as it appeared to others, and the books will rotate around you in the air, and you will see your image in the A book whose pages are devoid of words, your body will shiver, your heart will speed up, and you will run towards your father or grandfather while carrying the book that chose you, you in particular, and a majestic falcon will visit you, flapping its wings to carry you there, you will be surprised that it speaks to you in human language, do not worry when it climbs over your head, And do not panic when he covers your eyes with the feathers of his wings, the time has come, and you will depart to the "kingdom of rhetoric", where the mist envelops everything there, you will always feel cold, the birds there covered with feathers of strange shape and color, you will find them larger than they are here, the people are eccentric and in shape And the clothes, as if each group of them came from a different era, and there are those who suddenly gathered them from their times or summoned them for a mission, as you will move there, are you ready? Unleash your imagination, and soar with us in the expanses of that wondrous kingdom, and let me reveal to you other secrets about its worlds brimming with adventures, but before we begin, let me warn you, when you acquire an antique book whose leaves are yellowed and faded, the talismans engraved in red ink on its margins never repeat If you are alone!

* Quikol:

He turned around and unleashed his legs, he was running almost racing against the wind that was blowing his face, almost coming out of his cuticles because of the speed, and the thoughts flashed in his head like successive lightnings, from the intensity of the surprise he did not notice his running towards the abyss of the abyss in the mountainous region, which he came out of the forest rushing towards when he saw them chasing after him If they catch up to him, they will kill him, and if he jumps, he will die! His mind was paralyzed from thinking, he would stop and defend himself, and he would try to escape from that unjust village of its people, he stopped against his will and his legs slipped because of the weight of his body and he fell down very quickly, screaming towards the foot of the mountain, he closed his eyes, surrendered to his fate and his heart was beating hard.

* Socotra:

Why does she feel so old now, even though she is twenty-one years old! She heard the sound of approaching steps, she straightened in her seat, and her heart beat stabilized as she strayed towards the door, and the closer those steps came to the door of her room, the faster her heartbeat was, the chandelier hanging from the ceiling swayed madly, the lights flickered as if they would dim, then intensified. And the place was flooded with force again as if an invisible hand was playing with her, someone knocked on the door three hard knocks, then waited a little while and knocked again with great determination when she did not answer him, she was asking God to leave this knocker, she is afraid that the contract of her tongue will break. She reveals everything. The door slowly opened and had a frightening buzz, and her guest entered, approached, his eyes radiating passion and curiosity, and he sat in silence waiting for her to reveal all the secrets to him.

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