المهدي امام اخر الزمان
  • 4.4

المهدي امام اخر الزمان

  • Latest Version
  • Sajjad Apps.

Al-Mahdi application provides you with an overview of an Imam who will appear at the end of time and fill the earth with justice and justice

About this app

Al-Mahdi is a figure that Muslims believe in his appearance in the last period of human life on earth, or what is known in Islam as "the end of time", so that this person will be a just and great ruler to the extent that he will end injustice and corruption on the face of the earth, spread justice and true Islam, and fight and win over the enemies of Islam

The Mahdi of the End Times is a figure of great importance in Islamic, Christian, and some other faiths. It is believed that he will be a great spiritual leader who will appear in the end times to bring justice and reform in the world. Al-Mahdi is known by many titles such as “the expected Mahdi” or “the regular Mahdi” and the expected one with bounties and blessings.

According to Islamic belief, it is believed that the Mahdi will be a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and will appear at the end of time before the Day of Judgment to reform the nation and spread justice and peace on earth. In the Christian faith, some believe that the Mahdi is the person who will return with Isa al-Masih (Jesus) to establish God's kingdom on earth.

There are no accurate predictions about the time when the Mahdi will appear, as it is believed to be one of the unseen matters that only God knows. Opinions differ among commentators and scholars about the identity of the Mahdi and the events that will precede his appearance.

Historical and religious texts describe the Mahdi as a kind, just, and wise personality who will be a means of reform and positive change. He will have a broad vision and exceptional wisdom that will enable him to understand the challenges of the world and solve problems with intelligence and rationality.

Al-Mahdi will be surrounded by loyal supporters and followers who will support him in his mission, and there may be chivalry and courage in the hearts of those followers who see in their leadership an opportunity for change for the better.

Whoever believes in these beliefs is advised to be constantly prepared for the advent of the Mahdi by planting good values ​​and nobility in the souls and working to achieve justice, peace and social solidarity in societies.

Although the Mahdi is considered a religious symbol, the sacred texts also indicate that his appearance will be in difficult and challenging circumstances, as he will fight corruption, injustice and injustice and work to achieve peace and stability.

In the end, it is worth noting that belief in the Mahdi is considered part of the religious beliefs of many people around the world, however, it must be understood and interpreted rationally, moderately, and without extremism in the perception of his role and place in the world according to the teachings of religion and lofty morals.

Versions المهدي امام اخر الزمان