Запрещенные русские новости
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Запрещенные русские новости

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All news in one application. Articles, opinions, videos, live broadcasts, memes.

About this app

In one application all the main world news in Russian from independent media outlets dealing with real journalism. Read the latest news , scandals, investigations, exposing fakes. News of Russia, news of the world. Fresh news of science and technology, sensations, discoveries, forecasts of the future, news of sports, health and medicine. News of Moscow and regions. Politics and economics news. International relations, sanctions, a new cold war. An inconvenient truth that today is unlikely to be shown on TV, harsh assessments of state leaders and current policies, witty jokes, memes, anecdotes, ruthless humor about us and our lives. Hot news of protests, strikes, hunger strikes, incidents, crime. Urgent notifications about the hottest topic of the day - be the first to stay updated. Reliable sources, quality analytics from experts. News from the fields of international summits and meetings. What do Putin, Trump, Merkel and other world leaders want? What are the chances of the Russian opposition? What is Navalny planning? Search for those who benefit and where the money is. Where do oligarchs keep their finances and what real estate do they own? What is the currency rate to expect in the near future? Where will the oil price go? Is it time to buy cryptocurrencies, is it too late to mine bitcoin? What's the next blow to your wallet? Secrets of confrontation between the special services - FSB, FBI, CIA, NSA, MI5, MI6, MOSSAD. What wars are spies, soldiers and Russian special forces preparing for? What do they think about it abroad? Is the third world war threatening us? What does the future hold for the European Union, UN, CIS? Watch the video, find out the opinions of political video bloggers.

Categories :

Main - the main topics of the day that are discussed today, the most popular, cited, interesting articles, opinions of the day, comments, quotes, jokes, memes from social networks.

All news - events of the day from a dozen reliable resources, updated around the clock.

Opinions - thoughts of authoritative experts, economists, politicians, bloggers about current events in politics and mood in society. Inconvenient, unpopular, unexpected assessments of what is happening in Russia and the world. What awaits Crimea and Donbass? What to expect from the EU and NATO? Is Putin a dictator or a tough leader? Sharp comments from social networks, the best political bloggers. What is happening today and what to expect tomorrow.

Lies and censorship - the whole truth about attempts to introduce censorship in Russia, exposing fakes about Ukraine, Syria, USA, Europe. Analysis of methods of propaganda and hybrid warfare. The facts of restriction of freedom of speech and mass culture - bans of films, disruption of concerts of objectionable performers, disgraced stars of show business.

Pressure - the latest news about the persecution of activists, pressure on civil society, wrongful decisions, absurd accusations and rigging of evidence.

Reports - large texts about people and phenomena. Search for cause and effect. Real, bold, uncompromising journalism.

Conclusions - the very essence of what is happening around us. Moral evaluations and horrors of our being.

Picture of the Day is a poignant satire in the art genre. Cartoons, illustrations on current topics.

Versions Запрещенные русские новости