中国报 App - 最热大马新闻
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中国报 App - 最热大马新闻

  • 最新版本
  • The China Press Berhad



世界上最遥远的距离,是《中国报》App已经来到你面前, 你却还不快快下载;世界上最无趣的距离,是明明无法抵挡《中国报》App的吸引力,却还要故作毫不在意!

China Press Mobile App, download now from 中国报( - one of the best-selling Chinese dailies in Malaysia for its unique picturized illustrations, exclusive reports, fastest reports and its variety in contents.

It keeps you updated with the hottest news and info's including Official News, Crime News, International News, Entertainment News, Financial News, Sports News, and etc.

Simple and nice user interface. Easy to navigate. Live updates. Get it now!

版本 中国报 App - 最热大马新闻