Twibbon Election 2024
  • 4.6

Twibbon Election 2024

  • Latest Version
  • Twibnetapps

Bingkai Foto Pemilu Indonesia

About this app

2024 Election Photo Frame with the Theme of Presidential Candidates Prabowo, Ganjar, Anies, and Main Political Parties

This 2024 election photo frame reflects the spirit of democracy and the people's party in the presidential election in Indonesia. This frame features elements that symbolize political pluralism and the main contenders in the presidential election. In this photo frame, you can see:

1. Background: The background of this frame is an image of the red and white flag, as a symbol of Indonesian nationality and unity. This reminds us of the importance of general elections in maintaining the sovereignty and unity of the country.

2. Presidential Candidates: There are images of the three main presidential candidates, namely Prabowo Subianto, Ganjar Pranowo, and Anies Baswedan, respectively placed on the right, center, and left of the frame. They describe a variety of visions and leaders with the potential to lead the country.

3. Major Political Parties: The logos of the major political parties supporting each presidential candidate are displayed around the presidential candidate's photo. These include PDI-P (Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle), Golkar, NasDem, Democrat, PDIP (Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle), Gerindra, PBB (Cunning Star Party), PPP (United Development Party), Hanura, and PAN (National Mandate Party ). Each party logo is displayed clearly and in color.

4. Election Spirit: Around the frame, there are elements that reflect the election spirit, such as images of voting rights signs, political party flags, and symbols of democracy.

5. 2024 Election Logo: At the bottom of the frame, there is the official 2024 election logo, reflecting that this election is a legitimate and important democratic event for the country.

This photo frame depicts the diversity of Indonesian politics, where the presidential election is an important moment in determining the direction of the country. This also reflects the spirit of nationality and unity, where Indonesian citizens have the right to elect leaders who they believe will represent their interests well.

Versions Twibbon Election 2024