Texas All Statutes
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Texas All Statutes

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Texas Statutes and Constitution 2021

About this app

Texas Statutes and Constitution 2021 is free and full offline.

We are software developers and are not affiliated with any government agencies
Source: codes.findlaw.com

Easy navigation through the articles and contents.
One page - one article.
Flipping between articles left and right, similarly to sections and chapters
Search by titles and texts of articles
The ability to create bookmarks

Constitution of the State of Texas 1876 - CONST
Agriculture Code - AGRIC
Alcoholic Beverage Code - ALCO BEV
Business and Commerce Code - BUS & COM
Business Organizations Code - BUS ORG
Civil Practice and Remedies Code - CIV PRAC & REM
Education Code - EDUC
Election Code - ELEC
Estates Code - EST
Family Code - FAM
Finance Code - FIN
Government Code - GOV'T
Health and Safety Code - HEALTH & SAFETY
Human Resources Code - HUM RES
Insurance Code - INS
Labor Code - LAB
Local Government Code - LOC GOV'T
Natural Resources Code - NAT RES
Occupations Code - OCC
Parks and Wildlife Code - PARKS & WILD
Penal Code - PENAL
Property Code - PROP
Special District Local Laws Code - SDLL
Tax Code - TAX
Transportation Code - TRANSP
Utilities Code - UTIL
Water Code - WATER
Civil Statutes - CIV STAT
Civil Statutes (Titles 33 to 77) - CIV STAT
Civil Statutes (Titles 78 to 111) - CIV STAT
Civil Statutes (Titles 112 to Final Title) - CIV STAT
Code of Criminal Procedure - CRIM P

Versions Texas All Statutes