Risale-i Nur
  • 4.7

Risale-i Nur

  • Latest Version
  • Nesil Digital

Risale-i Nur Collection, Word Publishing, Generation, Generation Printed Publications, Treatise, Tafsir

About this app

Application Features

• One-click imaging Unknown words,
• Unknown words in different colors to show / hide,
• Verse of the meal, and notes with a single click PostScript imaging,
• In all the books / the ability to search in the selected book (after checking the results again to return to the search results)
• ease of reading with a choice of color and character size,
• at the end of each book to continue from where it left off,
• Different speed automatic text wrapping alternatives,
• For each page bookmark, add notes and conveniently reach the desired page number,
• Easy switch between books,
• The Publishing Book pages are easy to make comparisons based on the corpus and the opportunity to share,

Questions For comments, please contact us.

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Risale-i Nur Collection, a magnificent work; page six dictionary, encyclopedic knowledge, the term resource additions and index made four years with a team of 50 people was prepared. Printing Publishing mention of this study by Android App, all devices that support the Android operating system was prepared for.

• Lyrics
• Letters
• Flashes
• Suai and
• Asa-yi Musa
• Barla Addendum
• Kastamonu Addendum
• Emirdag Addendum
• Faith and abuse of balance and equilibrium
• Ratifying the Unseen Coins
• Isaratü'l-miraculous
• Mathnawi-i Nuria
• History-i Hayat
• Prosecution
• First Period Works (penned during the Old Said Nursi's books and letters)

Versions Risale-i Nur