Real Estate Exam Prep

Real Estate Exam Prep

  • Latest Version
  • YG Exam Studio

Real Estate Exam Express

About this app

Actively prepare for the Real Estate exam and succeed in obtaining your license in 2023! This is the most important thing you can do right now!
Real Estate Exam Prep is the app to help you pass the exam and is the choice of thousands of users. Our only goal is to help you pass the exam efficiently and easily, even if it's your first time taking it!

- Real Estate Jobs
- Math and Business
- Law and Interests
- Ownership and Land Description
- Transfer and Records
- Real Estate Brokerage and Agency
- Client Representation Agreements and Contracts
- Financing
- Practice of Real Estate and Disclosure
- Appraisal and Leases
- Fair Housing and Property Management
- Property Development and Environmental Issues

You can completely trust Real Estate Exam Prep to be the absolute expert when it comes to exam preparation. Every month, thousands of users are hoping to pass the exam and achieve their goals with the help of this application
**Key Features**

- Hundreds of questions prepared by experts based on the official exam scope and requirements, each containing full answer explanations.
- 3 carefully recommended questions per day to help you spend the least amount of time and start the day with a new test.
- The Quick Test is a flexible test with 10 questions per test, effectively completing a practice session.
- The error test helps you focus on breaking through weaknesses and gradually mastering all questions.
- You can also customize the test to fit your situation, which is the best way to break through
- All questions are grouped by subject.
- Each time you answer a question, our algorithm will automatically assign it to where it belongs based on your mastery of the question and make suggestions afterwards.

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