Public Records Search
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Public Records Search

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Public Records, Arrests, Tickets, Addresses, Criminal Records and More!

About this app

At, instant access to online public records is provided in concise report. We help you find these records so that you and your loved ones can enjoy peace of mind and feel protected. If you are about to start a business, acquire property, file a lawsuit, court defence, and even personal activities, public records are highly useful.

Public records are accessible to U.S. citizens and legal residents at the federal, state or local levels. By law, through the Freedom of Information Act these records are made available.

CheckPeople public records search makes the process easier by providing access to public records online. However, there are other methods which often take time, paperwork, and money. If you are interested in viewing these records personally, you can check at the county recorder’s office, local library, or courthouse for more information.

What Are Public Records?

Public records are documents, and various forms of information kept by government offices, which are mandated by law to store and maintain certain records, including birth or death certificates. Public records, are available by law, according to the Freedom of Information Act, to any U.S. citizen that requests to see them.

We understand that you may not have a lot of experience with public records, these documents are very common and are used by people who research genealogy or legal matters. Some public records resources include:

Court dockets
Census records and data
Criminal records
Property information
Sex offender databases
Professional and business licenses
Voter registration
Birth certificates
Real estate appraisal records
Residential addresses
Bankruptcy information
Public Records

Court Dockets: This is an official summary of the legal proceedings in a court of law. Court dockets provide lots of information on sentencing, convictions and criminal charges. They also help to determine if an individual is undergoing any court proceedings even though no charges may have been filed.

Census Records and Data : A census is performed every 10 years to record key statistics for tracking certain trends in the U.S. population. These metrics may include telephone number, gender, name, number of people living in a given household, ownership status of properties, date of birth, ethnicity and race. Often, this data is necessary for cross-referencing information and confirming residency or identity. In the national and state levels, it also used to legislate policy, and track demographic changes.

Criminal Records: Whether in the U.S. or abroad, when someone commits a crime, there is a record of it somewhere. These are public records which are kept at the county, state, or federal levels. Many countries keep their own records of traffic violations, felonies, and other misdemeanours, but the International Criminal Court maintains records and proceedings for crimes not limited to a single country (major crimes).

Professional and Business Licenses: Government agencies issue permits and commercial licenses to enable individuals or companies conduct business. Such records help to link certain persons to a commercial address or business. They are also useful to ascertain whether a company has broken the law in the past in the course of conducting business.

Sex Offender Databases: These databases are a list of any individuals which have committed a sex crime. An individual can never be removed from this registry, unless a reversal in conviction occurs, either due to emerging evidence or testimony. This database are useful when a household migrates to a new neighbourhood, or looking to place their child in a different school. However, local law enforcement will fill you in whenever a sex offender migrates to your neighbourhood.

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