Plant Disease Detector
  • 2.6

Plant Disease Detector

  • Latest Version
  • MD Faisal Kabir Galib

A complete solution for plant disease detection.

About this app

Plant Disease Detector

Plant disease detector is a recommendation app for identifying plant disease . Diseases are mostly on Crops. This can identify your plant diseases with almost 98% accuracy .

We use Deep Neural Network to identify and Diagnosis plant disease . This is one of the highest accuracy model to identify disease by leaves.

This Application and The Neural Network behind it is developed by Mycopathology Laboratory of University of Rajshahi .

This App can identify the images with lower quality .It can identify the disease of 38 different classes

'Apple Apple_scab',
'Apple Black_rot',
'Apple Cedar_apple_rust',
'Apple healthy',
'Blueberry healthy',
'Cherry_(including_sour) Powdery_mildew',
'Cherry_(including_sour) healthy',
'Corn_(maize) Cercospora_leaf_spot Gray_leaf_spot',
'Corn_(maize) Common_rust_',
'Corn_(maize) Northern_Leaf_Blight',
'Corn_(maize) healthy',
'Grape Black_rot',
'Grape Esca_(Black_Measles)',
'Grape Leaf_blight_(Isariopsis_Leaf_Spot)',
'Grape healthy',
'Orange Haunglongbing_(Citrus_greening)',
'Peach Bacterial_spot',
'Peach healthy',
'Pepper_bell Bacterial_spot',
'Pepper_bell healthy',
'Potato Early_blight',
'Potato Late_blight',
'Potato healthy',
'Raspberry healthy',
'Soybean healthy',
'Squash Powdery_mildew',
'Strawberry Leaf_scorch',
'Strawberry healthy',
'Tomato Bacterial_spot',
'Tomato Early_blight',
'Tomato Late_blight',
'Tomato Leaf_Mold',
'Tomato Septoria_leaf_spot',
'Tomato Spider_mites Two-spotted_spider_mite',
'Tomato Target_Spot',
'Tomato Tomato_Yellow_Leaf_Curl_Virus',
'Tomato Tomato_mosaic_virus',
'Tomato healthy'

Make sure you have light background and as much disease affected area in your picture.

Versions Plant Disease Detector