Ma Rivière et Moi

Ma Rivière et Moi

  • Latest Version
  • Groupe EDF

Ma Rivière et moi collects information on rivers and bodies of water.

About this app

My river and me is a free application that helps users of rivers and lakes to practice their activities (fishing, canoeing, hiking, etc.) safely around EDF hydroelectric facilities.

My river and me allows you to:
- know where EDF's dams and hydroelectric power stations are located;
- know when the plants are in operation;
- know the vigilance zones as well as the regulated zones around EDF power stations and dams;
- consult the practicability of activities according to the level of the lakes or the flow of the rivers (water sports, access to the beach, launching area, fishing spot, etc.);
- subscribe to notifications to be informed – for example – of exceptional maneuvers that may have an impact on lakes and rivers.

This tool also offers additional features:
- ask questions or report abnormal situations to EDF (this report does not replace calling the emergency services);
- discover cultural and sporting events near EDF hydroelectric facilities;
- find out about current EDF projects and their potential impacts.

Versions Ma Rivière et Moi