Islamic Videos

Islamic Videos

  • Latest Version
  • APP Game Studio

Islamic Contents, Holy Quran, Salavats, Names, Prayers, Dhikr, Repentance

About this app

We must read and understand the Qur'an a lot in order to do our duty of worship to Allah (Celle Celâluhu) in the best way possible.

The Last Prophet In order to follow the path of Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallâhu Aleyhi Vesellem), we must read and understand the Qur'an a lot.

Features of our App:

The Holy Quran Recitations, Written and Audio Translations of the Quran, Salawati Sharifs, Al Asmâul Husnâ, Prayers, Dhikrs, Verses,
Repentance, Dalâilu'l Hayrât, Islamic Music etc. You can access Islamic videos easily, quickly, for free and without ads.

You can read a written translation of the Qur'an in Turkish, English, Azerbaijani, Urdu and Indonesian languages ​​or listen to the audio translations in these languages. You can also read and listen to the Quran in its original Arabic.

I present this application to our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallâhu Aleyhi Vesellem) and all my Muslim brothers and sisters.

Our intention is pure.

Do not forget us in your prayers.
I would appreciate it if you do not spare your nice comments and points.

In addition, the games and applications we have prepared,
You can use it free of charge by downloading it to your computers from our website.

Again, you can run our games and applications in WebGL (HTML5) format on our website, free of charge, via computer and internet.

Insha'Allah, we will find the opportunity to reach more users thanks to you.

Working and striving is from us, success is from Almighty Allah (Celle Celâluhu).

Mehmet UCAR
Ankara / Türkiye (2020-2023)