Law of attraction: Book

Law of attraction: Book

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Law of Attraction awakens your mental power and attracts everything you desire

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Law of attraction: books is an application that helps you learn how to attract what you want in life and manifest your desires.
So, according to this belief, our negative or positive thoughts take the same form in their projection and, as a consequence, influence our environment. In short and simplifying this, we can say that our mind and our thoughts have a great power that we do not always take advantage of.
The law of attraction states that like attracts like. This means that if we are constantly thinking negative thoughts, then those thoughts will eventually become our reality.


This law is the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can get results like those. The term was coined in the early 20th century and has been popularized through books and movies.

📔 Books by author William Walker Atkinson:
▪ Law of attraction (Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World)
▪ Personal Power
▪ Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life
▪ Nuggets of the New Thought
▪ Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy
▪ Dynamic Thought
▪ Self-Healing by Thought Force
▪ The Inner Consciousness
▪ Mystic Christianity
▪ Practical Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing
▪ Practicing Mental Influence
▪ Reincarnation and the Law of Karma
▪ The Arcane Formulas: Or Mental Alchemy
▪ Mind and Body
▪ Your Mind and How to Use It
▪ Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic
▪ The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism
▪ Clairvoyance and Occult Powers
▪ The Power of Concentration
▪ The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians

A library of books on the law of attraction, spirituality, karma, mind power and much more.

Immerse yourself in the possibility of getting what you want by using your thoughts and feelings.

The law of attraction is a spiritual philosophy that believes that thoughts can change the physical world.

⭐Attract abundance⭐

⭐Attract money⭐

⭐Better employment⭐

⭐Manifest health⭐

⭐Manifest desires⭐

⭐Finding love⭐

❓ How to apply the Law of Attraction to your life?

In short, the Law of Attraction is: Ask. Believe. Receive. But let's look at it a little more in depth.

🔆 The first step of all is to be very clear about what you want. The more specific your desires are, the more surely you will attract results into your life. Once you are clear and know firmly what you want to achieve, you have to manifest it to the universe.

🔆 Visualization: Create mental images as real as possible. Visualize yourself with what you want. Feel the sensations that you feel when you have achieved it: confidence, joy, gratitude... Create that mental image in such a real way that you really feel those emotions that it provokes in you.

🔆 Live in the result: act like the person who has already achieved what you want so much. Are your habits, actions and behaviors aligned with what you want to achieve? It's about seeing yourself as the person who has achieved the results. Think to see (in this case: act to see). Act, behave and do things as the kind of person you want to be, before the results have arrived. If you wait until you have achieved it to act in such a way, that moment may take much longer to arrive or may not arrive at all.

🔆 Affirmations: what you say to yourself directly affects what you do and achieve. Every day repeat out loud or write in a notebook affirmations, phrases in the present of what you want, of the reality that you are attracting to your life.

You will find this and many other tips in the best books on this universal law.

Versions Law of attraction: Book