Kumpulan Khutbah Jumat Singkat

Kumpulan Khutbah Jumat Singkat

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A collection of Short Friday Khutbahs one of our best applications

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Collection of Short Friday Sermons

Friday sermon
Sermon literally means speech or lecture. Sermons are preaching activities inviting or calling on other people to increase piety, faith, and other religious messages with certain pillars and conditions. Among the various kinds of sermons, namely the Friday sermon, the sermon on two holidays, the sermon on the two eclipse prayers, the sermon on marriage, the sermon on the istisqa prayer, and the sermon on the pilgrimage. In this sub-chapter, we will discuss sermons at Friday prayers.
The Friday sermon is held on Friday, precisely at the time of the Friday prayer. The Friday sermon includes the pillars of the Friday prayer. A person who delivers a sermon is called a khatib. The Friday sermon was delivered in monologue, that is, one-way communication. The preacher in delivering the sermon did not have the opportunity to conduct questions and answers or discussion, while the congregation only listened solemnly. One of the basics of implementing Friday prayers, namely the word of Allah SWT. following.

Meaning: O you who believe! If you have been called upon to carry out the prayers on Friday, then immediately remember Allah and leave the buying jt3al. That is better for you if you know. (Q.S. al-Jumu‘ah [62]: 9)
The Friday sermon has a very important position because it is an integral part of the Friday prayer. The Friday sermon is the beginning of the Friday prayer. Therefore, the implementation of the Friday sermon that is not in accordance with the provisions of the Shari'a can cancel the Friday prayer

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