AstroMe: Horoscope & Zodiac
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AstroMe: Horoscope & Zodiac

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The planet Chiron represents equilibrium, helps you adapt to new conditions, and pushes you to make important decisions. It has a mystical manifestation in Pisces. Representatives of this sign acquire high sensitivity, and not only mental, but also cosmic. For more details on how Chiron manifests in Pisces, and what character traits it bestows on its owner, I will discuss in this article.

Pisces is by nature a mysterious individual. Their inner world and behaviour may be unclear to others. However, people are drawn to them because they are interesting and unusual. Under the influence of Chiron, Pisces begin to be interested in the occult sciences, esotericism and extrasensory science. They may make excellent mediums, psychics or psychologists.

Chiron endows Pisces with creative talents, which allows them to fulfill themselves in the arts. They love to visit theatres, concerts, exhibitions and museums - it fills them with inner energy, and motivates them to create their own masterpieces. They also have good taste and an appetite for beauty. They want to fill their environment with beauty and luxury, and they can do this without spending too much money.

A great disadvantage of Pisces is their lack of concentration and self-sufficiency. Next to them must always be a strong, reliable patron who will guide them in life and help in everything. But it must be noted that under the influence of Chiron, representatives of this zodiac sign strive for independence, so the partner must give them the maximum freedom of action. This contradiction in character and behavior interferes with the construction of healthy relationships, both amorous and friendly.

True node in Taurus
True node in Taurus has a definite influence on the thinking, the communication, the richness of the individual in whose natal chart it is located. Transiting True node in Taurus affects absolutely all people, their behaviour and relationships. Taurus is an earth sign, hedonistic and gourmand, measured and stubborn. Let's see how True node behaves when combined with these energies.

Taurus rewards one with a kind of lethargy and conservatism. Accordingly, True node in Taurus in one's natal chart makes one's thinking slow and cautious. People with True node in Taurus very rarely change their minds, and hold fast to their beliefs - even those that are outdated and outmoded.

People with True node in Taurus think practical, thorough, long deliberate strategy. Consistent, patient, have an excellent memory, but learn new things with difficulty. Rush and multi-tasking throw them off. True node in Taurus requires time to think. They are logicians and materialists who view all information in terms of their own benefit.

When speaking, a person with True node in Taurus is mostly quiet and somewhat tongue-tied. He dislikes arguments and empty speeches. However, if the matter concerns his personal favour, he will be able to argue his case calmly and consistently. Person with True node in Taurus chooses his words carefully in order to choose the most appropriate wording.

Person with True node in Taurus is polite, gallant, and admires the beauty of art objects and the opposite sex. He likes people with a good sense of humour, although he doesn't joke often. The main problem in communication can be stubbornness and intolerance to opinions different from his own. However, this person is unlikely to cause a scandal - True node in Taurus is more likely to induce him to keep quiet and shut down.

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