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Hur mår min jord?

  • Latest Version
  • Jordbruksverket

Find out the soil structure on your farmland with three tests.

About this app

The app helps you get a handle on the soil structure of your farmland. You receive educational guidance in performing the app's three subtests, can make action lists to maintain and improve the structure and follow up on changes. A good and stable soil structure is the basis for a well-functioning agricultural soil. You can choose Swedish or English as the language in the app.

- General questions about the shift. Provides an overview of the shift's status and whether there are structural problems.
- Soil structure test. Helps you get to know your growing soils better. Dig a pit, take a photo of the soil profile and draw different levels in the soil on the photo. Answer questions to interpret the profile and structure.
- Infiltration test. Measure at one or more levels in the ground.

The app contains examples of measures to care for and improve the soil structure. You can make your own checklist for the measures you think are most suitable for each shift on the farm.

You can export test results from the app and import them back into the app. The app's map feature saves the location where you perform tests, making it easy to find your way back and follow up. You can also email your test results and checklist as a PDF to yourself or, for example, your advisor.

The app helps you assess the soil health of your cultivated soil. You get guidance in performing the app's three subtests, can make an action list to maintain and improve the soil structure and follow up on changes. A good and stable soil structure is the basis for a well-functioning agricultural soil.

- General questions about the field give you an overview of the field's general status and if there are indications of soil health problems.
- Soil structure test. Helps you get to know your cultivated soil better. Dig a soil pit, take a photo of the soil profile and answer questions that help you interpret what you see.
- Infiltration test. Measure the water infiltration rate in different soil layers.

The app contains examples of mitigation measures to maintain and improve the soil structure. You can make your own action list for the measures you think best suit each field on the farm.

You can export test results from the app and import them back into the app. The app's map feature saves the location where you perform tests, making it easy to find your way back and follow up. You can also email your test results and action list as a PDF to yourself or, for example, your advisor.

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