Hour Calculator - Decimal
  • 4.4

Hour Calculator - Decimal

  • Latest Version
  • Cory Lowry

Use Hour Calculator to Easily Calculate Up Your Hours!

About this app

Main Features
★ Feature to store hours
★ Feature to delete all stored hours
★ Feature to delete just one hour
★ Feature to undo hour deletion
★ Time Card support
★ Material 3 Design Language
★ Outputs time in a decimal or minute format
★ In-App change log to see changes I make
★ Tons of customization
• Dark/Light Theme
• Background color
• Any accent color you want
• Material You support
• Ability to generate a completely random color every time the app is opened
• Multiple different app icons to choose from
• Make the background be a shade of whatever accent color you have selected
• Ability to save colors to return to them later

Hour Calculator
Ever need to calculate you hours up at the end of a long and tiring shift?
Well Hour Calculator is just the app for you!

Wondering how to use Hour Calculator?
• Enter Clock in time and out time using the time pickers
• Press the "Calculate" Button
• Let app work its magic
• Export old entries to Time Cards
• Add an image of the Time Card
• Rename the Time Card

Versions Hour Calculator - Decimal