

  • Latest Version
  • Heartstyles App

Learn, Reflect, Grow, Flourish

About this app

Go on a journey of personal discovery. After completing a short online survey you will be provided with insights that are personal to you. You will learn why and how you react the way you do in certain situations, how your life experiences to this point have shaped how you show up today, and reassure you that you have control over your future health, happiness, well-being, and overall effectiveness. Throughout the app, you will be presented with ideas, activities, and opportunities to capture your own thoughts and feelings along the way. All we ask is that you approach this opportunity with an open mind, some vulnerability, and a bucketload of honesty. In return, we're confident that you will have the ability to make some changes to your current thinking and behaviour, that might be, without you consciously knowing it, holding you back from living your best life most of the time.

The App is feature-based and is there to enhance your journey with Heartstyles, as well as your appreciation of your own behaviours. There are 5 main features to interact with, as often or as little, as you like – Learn, Actions, Journal, Daily Reflection, and Results.

Learn – explore more about the behaviours that drive us
• Videos that cover the basics of how to unpack your Indicator results
• Interactive games to reinforce your understanding of the fundamentals of Heartstyles
• Modules that build up your self-awareness, helping you recognise why you do some of the things you do, as well as increasing your ability to identify behavioural traits in those around you

Actions - set yourself some tangible targets
• An interactive space where you can take a behaviour you're not too happy with and begin to let go of it
• Helping you understand your intentions behind this behaviour and the impact you think it is having on others
• And then looking to take on a behaviour that you want to bring into your life and are guided through taking some intentional steps to make that happen

Journalling – make time for a little bit of 'me time'
• Take some time at the end of the day to look back and capture the main things that stood out for you – challenges you came across, successes you had, behaviours you observed about yourself or others and how they made you feel, ideas you're processing and things you're considering working on.
• Whatever's on your mind, getting it out of there and writing about it is a great habit to get into.

Daily reflections - set yourself up for the day with a big thought
• You'll see a new question or thought for you to consider every day
• Something to stimulate the brain a bit, to make you think about how to apply the things you've learned about your behaviour to your real-world day-to-day life – be it at home or at work

Results – check-in and remind yourself of the 16 behaviour styles
• Whenever you want to get under the skin of each behavioral style, what those behaviours look like then it's all broken down in here for you
• And when you want to look at how you scored and how to improve your score then the tips and practices you'll need to follow are also here for you to read and absorb