Framingham Score Heart Age

Framingham Score Heart Age

  • Latest Version
  • Alpen Mobile

Know your heart age and your cardio risk super fast!

About this app

Cardio FastCalc is a cardiovascular risk calculator based on the Framingham cohort study, which is still ongoing and is the longest study of its kind. The study began in 1948 and is now following the fourth generation of participants.

This app will make complex calculations based on your entered data (age, sex, smoking status, diabetes, treatment for hypertension, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and systolic blood pressure) and will give you the result.

Result consists in a risk percentage of developing cardiovascular disease in the next 10 years and an estimated heart age.

As cardiovascular disease we mean stroke, heart attack, peripheral artery disease or heart failure.

Go ahead and fill in the required data. Save this result, share with friends and use it as a guide for your lifestyle changes.

Versions Framingham Score Heart Age