Eternal Cheems: Pet Simulator
  • 4.9

Eternal Cheems: Pet Simulator

  • Latest Version
  • Tonito Games

Take care of Cheems and have fun with the favorite dog of the internet.

About this game

Eternal Cheems is a cute/lovely game in which for the first time you can take care and have fun with the favorite dog of the memes all over the internet.

With this virtual pet you can feed Cheems, shower him, pet him and if he doesn’t behave/ behave badly/ misbehave you can also Bonk him, but the most important: you can dress him up with his favorite clothes!

You can also explore the space dodging meteors and recollecting coins with the mini game Space Cheems.

Have fun playing with Cheems like never before with this game that is completely free.

Versions Eternal Cheems: Pet Simulator