Engineering Physics Quiz

Engineering Physics Quiz

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  • MCQsLearn

Engineering physics quiz app, download & install physics app to solve MCQs

About this app

Engineering Physics App:

Engineering physics quiz app with free download to install "Physics Quiz" app (Android) to practice hundreds of engineering physics quiz based MCQs. "Engineering Physics" app download with trivia questions and answers, engineering physics MCQs to solve self-assessment tests. "Engineering Physics Quiz" app, textbook revision notes helps to practice test questions for beginners and advanced level students on Android smartphones.

Complete engineering physics app, a textbook application with IGCSE/NEET/MCAT/MDCAT/SAT/ACT preparation mock tests. "Engineering Physics Notes" app is a study guide for students, beginners' learning and distance education with physics textbook course as:

Chapter 1: Alternating fields and currents quiz
Chapter 2: Astronomical data quiz
Chapter 3: Capacitors and capacitance quiz
Chapter 4: Circuit theory quiz
Chapter 5: Conservation of energy quiz
Chapter 6: Coulomb's law quiz
Chapter 7: Current produced magnetic field quiz
Chapter 8: Electric potential energy quiz
Chapter 9: Equilibrium, indeterminate structures quiz
Chapter 10: Finding electric field quiz
Chapter 11: First law of thermodynamics quiz
Chapter 12: Fluid statics and dynamics quiz
Chapter 13: Friction, drag and centripetal force quiz
Chapter 14: Fundamental constants of physics quiz
Chapter 15: Geometric optics quiz
Chapter 16: Inductance quiz
Chapter 17: Kinetic energy quiz
Chapter 18: Longitudinal waves quiz
Chapter 19: Magnetic force quiz
Chapter 20: Models of magnetism quiz
Chapter 21: Newton's law of motion quiz
Chapter 22: Newtonian gravitation quiz
Chapter 23: Ohm's law quiz
Chapter 24: Optical diffraction quiz
Chapter 25: Optical interference quiz
Chapter 26: Physics and measurement quiz
Chapter 27: Properties of common elements quiz
Chapter 28: Rotational motion quiz
Chapter 29: Second law of thermodynamics quiz
Chapter 30: Simple harmonic motion quiz
Chapter 31: Special relativity quiz
Chapter 32: Straight line motion quiz
Chapter 33: Transverse waves quiz
Chapter 34: Two and three dimensional motion quiz
Chapter 35: Vector quantities quiz
Chapter 36: Work-kinetic energy theorem quiz

Solve "Capacitors and Capacitance Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Capacitor in parallel and in series, capacitor with dielectric, charging a capacitor, cylindrical capacitor, parallel plate capacitor.

Solve "Circuit Theory Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Loop and junction rule, power, series and parallel resistances, single loop circuits, work, energy and EMF.

Solve "Fluid Statics and Dynamics Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Archimedes principle, Bernoulli's equation, density, density of air, density of water, equation of continuity, fluid, measuring pressure, pascal's principle, and pressure.

Solve "Inductance Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Faraday's law of induction, and Lenz's law.

Solve "Kinetic Energy Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Avogadro's number, degree of freedom, energy, ideal gases, kinetic energy, molar specific heat of ideal gases, power, pressure, temperature and RMS speed, transnational kinetic energy, and work.

Solve "Optical Diffraction Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Circular aperture diffraction, diffraction, diffraction by a single slit, gratings: dispersion and resolving power, and x-ray diffraction.

Solve "Optical Interference Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Coherence, light as a wave, and Michelson interferometer.

Solve "Special Relativity Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Mass energy, postulates, relativity of light, and time dilation.

"Engineering Physics MCQs" app helps to solve physics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from every chapter, comparing with answer key after every 10 random trivia quiz questions.

Looking forward to provide best user experience through engineering physics application!

Versions Engineering Physics Quiz