Buku Siswa Agama Islam Kelas 7
  • 4.0

Buku Siswa Agama Islam Kelas 7

  • Latest Version
  • Kurikulum Merdeka

Islamic Religious Education Student Book for Middle School / MTs Class VII Independent Curriculum

About this app

This Android application is a Student Book for Islamic Religious Education and Character for Middle School / MTs Class VII Independent Curriculum. In Pdf format.

Pancasila students are the embodiment of Indonesian students as lifelong learners who have global competence and behave in accordance with Pancasila values, with six main characteristics, namely faith, devotion to God Almighty, and noble character, global diversity, mutual cooperation, independence, critical reasoning , and creative.

This book on Islamic Religious Education and Character is prepared in accordance with the National Education Roadmap 2020–2035, which states that improving the quality of national education is carried out by improving the national curriculum, pedagogy and assessment.

The material taught in this book is in line with efforts to develop students, namely the very noble and sublime values ​​and teachings of Islam to be used as a habbit in cultivating attitudes, broadening horizons and knowledge, as well as developing students' skills to become kaaffah Muslims.

This book also presents the values ​​of religious moderation that students need to absorb. Strengthening religious moderation in Indonesia is currently important because the Indonesian nation is a diverse nation with various ethnicities, languages, cultures and religions. Indonesia is a country that views religious values ​​as important, even though it is not a country based on a particular religion.

Religious moderation is important to promote in a global context where religion is an important part in the realization of a dignified world civilization. Religious moderation is needed as an effort to always ensure that the interpretation and understanding of religion remains in accordance with the corridors of the nation and state so as not to give rise to extreme religious practices.

The Ministry of Religion on this occasion expressed its high appreciation to the Curriculum and Book Center for working seriously with the Writing Team in preparing this book.

Hopefully this book will be something meaningful for the future of the nation's children. Amen.

Hopefully this application can be useful and become a loyal friend in the teaching and learning process at all times.

Please give us reviews and input for the development of this application, give us a 5 star rating to encourage us to develop other useful applications.

Happy reading.