Buddha Teachings
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Buddha Teachings

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Teachings of Lord Buddha that will help you live a better life

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The Buddha's sermons and teachings pointed toward the true nature of the universe, what is known within Buddhism as the Dharma. He gave his first sermon on the outskirts of the city of Varanasi at a deer park called Sarnath. This first sermon presents an overview of suffering and the way out of suffering. It is called the Four Noble Truths. The Buddha is often described as a physician who first diagnoses an illness and then suggests a medicine to cure the illness.

Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Buddha was a sage who started to impact thousands of lives in sixth and fourth BCE (Before Common Era) with his profound spiritual wisdom. The word Buddha means the enlightened one or the awakened one.

No matter what religion you follow, what culture you have been born and brought up in, Buddha's teachings are universal. His teachings have the strength to awaken people to reality and make them introspect themselves. Lord Buddha's teachings have not only given a deeper insight into one's existence, but also made significant contribution in liberating one from the day-to-day conflicts in minds.

Inspiring millions of people today, Buddha's wisdom in older days was kept alive through the oral tradition.

Sutta Pitaka consists of Buddha's teachings in the form stories. Buddhist philosophy strongly highlights that the world is ever changing and transient in nature so nothing is permanent and eternal. Along with this, the entire world is soulless. Sorrows are part of human existence and life. All human beings have originated from the planet earth and then they bear children for the continuity of life.

Gautama Buddha or Siddhartha Gautama Buddha is known as Buddha which means awakened being or enlightened being. Base of Buddhism is the teachings of Gautama Buddha. He was born in a royal Hindu family in Shakya Clan and his birthday is celebrated as Buddha Poornima. Place of Gautama Buddha's birth is not clear as it may be the present day Nepal, Odisha or Uttar Pradesh. He was destined to become either a great king or a great holy man. As his father wanted him to be great king so he kept Gautama Buddha away from the sufferings of life. But by the age of 29 he left his palace to find his true self. On the way he saw almost everyone suffering from one or other thing. He was depressed and tried to overcome all these by living a life of an ascetic. He during his journey to find answers had found that meditation is the only way to awaken oneself. Gautama then sat under the popular pipal tree that is known as the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India and arose only after he found the truth. His mediation continued for 49 days and after that he got enlightenment. Gautama then found the cause of sufferings and ways to end these.

Teachings of Buddha are the principles of life that had been given by him after attaining the enlightenment.

Versions Buddha Teachings