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Base is an app that uses football to promote learning in schools

About this game

BASE is a partner tool for teachers. The app was created to help in the day-to-day of the classroom, giving a different dynamic to learning, with the objective of making children learn the same content, only playing. In the first phase of the app, the game was divided into three seasons, as in sports tournaments. Each of them has four levels of competition: Regional, National, Continental and World, in addition to a Pre-Season; and tournaments have different numbers and levels of questions, which are called matches. The game is gamified, offers coins, points and trophies to expand and keep children's interest.

The BASE content was developed by the Vini.Jr Institute team, together with the faculty of the Paulo Reglus Neves Freire Municipal School. Initially, BASE educational technology will focus on the early years of Elementary School (1st to 5th grade), benefiting children aged 6 to 10, using sport to attract and technology to facilitate. All questions follow the rules of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC).

Versions Base