B. Inggris 11 Lanjut Merdeka

B. Inggris 11 Lanjut Merdeka

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Advanced English Student & Teacher Book for SMA / SMK Class XI Merdeka

About this app

This Android application is a Student Book and Advanced English Teacher's Guidebook for SMA / SMK Class XI Independent Curriculum. In Pdf format.

In line with students' language understanding needs, this book was prepared with the aim of providing English learning materials that are in line with the Learning Outcomes (CP) for Advanced Level English, Phase F. At the end of the phase, students are expected to be able to use spoken, written, and written texts. and visuals in English to communicate according to the situation, purpose and audience/reader.

Students are also expected to be able to use simple English to discuss and convey desires/feelings, explore various texts in various contextual topics, understand texts in depth, and produce structured spoken and written texts in English with a more diverse vocabulary.

Various types of texts such as narrative, exposition and discussion are the main reference texts in studying English in Phase F. However, in the Class XI Advanced English book, the materials presented focus on narrative and exposition types of texts. Meanwhile, materials for the discussion text type will be studied in Class XII Advanced English.

In addition, because this book is intended as an advanced level English book, the lessons presented in this book are an enrichment of the material that has been studied in English lessons in regular classes. Therefore, before studying this book, students are expected to have completed learning in regular English classes (Phase A-E).

Directly or indirectly, the learning activities in this textbook also facilitate students to be able to integrate character values ​​as contained in the Pancasila Student Profile, 21st century skills, literacy, HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills), and skills. industrial revolution 4.0.

In using this book, teachers are expected to be able to facilitate students' learning activities in accordance with the social environment and teaching context. Apart from that, teachers are also expected to be able to enrich the contents of the book by creating existing learning activities according to the learning needs of each student.

This book was made possible thanks to the support of all parties. Therefore, we would like to thank all parties who have helped in preparing this book. We express our deepest thanks to the book reviewer, Prof. Emi Emilia, M.Ed., Ph.D. and Windy Hastasasi, M.Pd. as well as other parties that we cannot mention one by one.

Apart from that, we realize that this book still needs to continue to be improved and perfected. Therefore, suggestions, input and criticism from readers as an effort to improve and perfect this book are highly welcomed. Finally, we hope that this book can provide benefits for efforts to improve the quality of learning in Indonesia.

Hopefully this application can be useful and become a loyal friend in the teaching and learning process at all times.

Please give us reviews and input for the development of this application, give us a 5 star rating to encourage us to develop other useful applications.

Happy reading.